《自然 电子学》报道张家森团队与合作者在三维光电子集成研究上的重要进展
发布日期:2018-12-17 浏览次数:

《自然 电子学》报道张家森团队与合作者在三维光电子集成研究上的重要进展



Fig. 1. Integration of plasmonic-enhanced detector with carbon nanotube (CNT) complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) signal processing circuits. a, Schematic of the 3D integrated circuits, consisting of bottom-layer passive WFSAs and metal connection lines, in-between HfO2 dielectrics and Au cross-layer connection lines, and top-layer plasmonic receiver and CNT CMOS signal processing circuits. b, Output characteristics of the plasmonic-enhanced barrier-free-bipolar diode (BFBD) and the normal BFBD under the illumination at "λ" =1200 nm. c, Electric field pattern of the La=320-nm SA. d-e, Transfer (d) and output (e) characteristics of the CMOS. f, VTC curves of the CMOS (blue line) and the 3D integrated circuits (red line). Inset is the corresponding equivalent circuit diagram of the 3D integrated circuits. g-i, Statistical figures of merit of the deep-subwavelength modules, including photocurrent (g) and photovoltage (h) of the BFBD as well as on-state current of the CMOS (i).

这种三维集成系统的优点包括:1. 使用低温COMS兼容制备工艺,可以在单片集成回路中集成光子学模块、电子学信号处理系统和存储系统;2. 利用具有原子厚度的碳纳米管材料以及金属工艺,使得光子学集成和电子学集成在材料上兼容;3. 基于表面等离激元使得光子学器件尺度可以和电子学器件尺度相近,便于集成;4. 碳纳米管的工作波段可以覆盖整个通讯波段,这是硅材料无法做到的;5. 光电探测器工作于光伏模式,可以减小能耗。该工作是首次利用原子厚度材料实现三维光电混合集成,可以实现更小的尺寸、更快的速度和更多的功能,同时,有可能解决电子学集成回路在速度上的瓶颈。

上述实验结果近期发表于最新一期《自然 电子学》杂志。


  • Yang Liu, Jiasen Zhang, and Lian-Mao Peng, Three-dimensional integration of plasmonics and electronics. Nature Electronics 1, 644-651 (2018).

  • Yang Liu, Jiasen Zhang, Huaping Liu, Sheng Wang, and Lian-Mao Peng, Electrically-driven monolithic subwavelength plasmonic interconnect circuits. Science Advances 3, e1701456 (2017).