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表面科学论坛(93) Route to Coherent Electronics

报告题目: Route to Coherent Electronics 报 告 人: Prof. Eleftherios Goulielmakis Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik 报告时间: 2017年07月10日(周一)上午10:00 报告地点: 物理研究所M楼236会议室 邀请人及联系人: 孟 胜 研究员(电话:82649396) 摘要: Laser-driven generation of coherent radiation in bulk solids extending up to the extreme ultraviolet part of the spectrum [1] has recently open up completely new possibilities for study of electronic phenomena which lie beyond the scope of standard condensed phase physics spectroscopies. I will present how previous [2] and new tools of attosecond metrology [3][4] can now allow us to gain detailed insight into the fundamental microscopic processes responsible for the EUV emission in solids. We will show that this emission is in reality a macroscopic probe of nanoscale intraband coherent electric currents [5] the frequency of which is extending into multi-Petahertz range. On the basis of these findings, I will try to persuade you that we are now entering the realm of coherent electronics. A regime in which electronic circuitry can be conceived on the atomic level and where electronic properties of materials can be accessed [5] and controlled on attosecond time scales.
[1] Luu T.T. et al., Nature 521,498 (2015).
[2] Goulielmakis E. et al., Science 305, 1267 (2004).
[3] Wirth A. et al., Science 334, 195 (2011).
[4] Hassan M. Th et al., Nature 530, 66 ( 2016).
[5]Garg et .al., Nature 538, 359 (2016).
个人简历: Dr. Eleftherios Goulielmakis received his B.SC. and Master's degree from the Physics Department of the University of Crete (Greece), in 2000 and 2002 respectively, and his PhD from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Germany, in 2005. Since 2010,h e is currently leading the activities of the research group "Attoelectronics" of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching Germany.
Notable distinctions include the Roentgen Prize of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (2015), the Gustav-hertz Prize of the German Physical Society (DPG), (2012), the IUPAP award in optics (2010) and the Foteinos prize of the Academy of Athens (2007).

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
