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报告题目: Controlling superconductivity with light 报 告 人: Alessandra Lanzara,              Physics Department - University California, Berkeley              Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 报告时间: 2014-3-20  16:00 报告地点: 理科楼郑裕彤大讲堂 摘要: After almost twenty years from their discovery, high temperature superconductivity has defied any explanation. One of the reasons is that superconductivity in these novel materials emerges from other competing phases, manifested through the so called pseudogap-state, resulting in a delicate balance that evolves through the phase diagram with doping and temperature.  Understanding how this balance takes place is certainly one of the biggest challenges of condensed matter physics today.
In this talk I will discuss some of our results in the area of photo-control in high temperature superconductors.  I will discuss how superconductivity can be switched on and off through optical excitations, with focus on the complex relationship between pseudogap state and superconductivity.
The implications of these results for the next steps in our quest to understand the fundamental principles underlying the nature of the unconventional superconductivity in novel materials will be discussed.
个人简介: Alessandra Lanzara received her BA and PhD in physics from Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza, Italy in 1999 and was awarded the "Marcello Conversi Award". She was a post-doc at Stanford University for three years since 1999. In 2002 she joined the physics Department faculty at UC Berkeley as Assistant Professor and was promoted to associate professor in 2006. Since 2011, she is a full Professor in the same department. She is also a Faculty Scientist at the Materials Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since 2002. Selected Awards and Honors:
• Halbach Award (2013)
“The spin-resolved photoelectron spectrometer developed by the group provides a leap in detection efficiency that opens the door to a new realm of probing the spin degree of freedom in the solid state at pertinent energy and momentum scales”
• Marie Goepert Award of the American Physical Society (2009)
“For high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and imaging studies of the cuprate superconductors and graphene that elucidate their electronic properties.”
• Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (2008)
“For important contribution to the physics of highly correlated materials using photoemission spectroscopy”.
• David A. Shirley Award (2007)
“For their groundbreaking work measuring the electronic structure of graphene and the use of high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to understand the unusual transport properties of graphene associated with Dirac fermions”
• W. McMillan Award (2003)
For “The discovery of a universal energy scale in p-type cuprate superconductors”.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
